Tuscany Tourist Information

Tuscany Tourist Guide and Travel Information

The cities of Tuscany all have a Tourist Information Office near the centre of the city. Some of these are privately operated on behalf of the municipality and hence might not be entirely neurtral in their recommendations. In smaller towns, the equivalent to a Tuscany Tourist Information office is a ProLoco Office which is manned by volunteers and serves the same purpose. All of these offices provide maps and a range of brochures describing current events, concerts etc, and local sights of interest and bus routes.

What to see and do in Tuscany

On this Tuscany Tourist Information web site you will find links to many of the most important sources of information for visitors to Tuscany. These sites provide unique information on what to see and do when you visit Tuscany, plus links to the best vacation accommodations web sites on the internet. We provide links to Tuscan sights, festivals and fairs, Tuscan food and wine, Tuscan customs, art and architecture, as well as useful travellers’ tips.

Tuscany in winter


Where to stay in Tuscany

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Where to stay in Umbria
The Feast of Corpus Christi in Orvieto in Umbria

The garden lover’s Tuscany

For those who love gardens and gardening, Tuscany offers rich pickings. From the great villas, where the garden and grounds form an extension of the villa itself, to the humble window boxes of farm houses and city apartments, garden lovers will find flowers, topiary and formal gardens on every side. Many of the publicly accessible villas and palazzi have truly magnificent italianate gardens where visitors may stroll. And the Florence botanical garden – il Giardino dei Semplici di Firenze – is well worth a couple of hours.

Mountains and hiking

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Tuscan beaches and coastal villages


Tuscan art and architecture

It’s impossible to say whether Tuscany is more famous for its art and architecture or for its wine. In any case, most visitors to Tuscany will take in at least the major art museums of Florence along with the Duomo (cathedral), the Ponte Vecchio and a few of the famous palazzi and villas within the city and in its environs. Be sure to plan your art and architecture days around the opening times of the sights you plan to enjoy.


Tuscan towns and villages

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Tuscan food and wine

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Tuscan folkloric festivals and annual events

Tuscany preserves a great many folkloric festivals, both religious and secular, often featuring period costumes. These, as well as other annual events in Tuscany, such as wine festivals and gastronomic festivals, are often very much worth attending, especially if you are staying nearby. Most spectacles of this kind in Tuscany are well-provided with food stands featuring local specialities.